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Welcome to HCES!

A great way to stay up-to-date with all of the HCES PTA happenings is to sign up to receive the weekly "Hawk Talk" Newsletter!


7:30AM  |  Doors Open

7:45AM  |  Classrooms Open

7:45AM  |  Breakfast

8:00AM  |  School Begins

8:01AM  |  Tardy Bell 

10:30AM - 11:45PM  |  Lunch Times

2:00 PM  |  Check outs end

2:30 PM  |  Dismissal


How can I keep up-to-date with PTA information? The HCES PTA has a website at, social media in the form of a a facebook page, twitter, and instagram.  We also send a weekly newsletter, the Hawk Talk, every Sunday.

How do I contact the PTA if I have questions?   You can reach out to us via email at  There is also a list of our current board under the Contact Us menu.  Any board member can assist.

I would like to volunteer, where do I find volunteer opportunities? We LOVE our volunteers!  Please see the volunteer menu of the website.  Opportunities are posted regularly! Also, keep an eye on our FB page as we post opportunities there as well.  If you have any questions about volunteering you can contact


Where can I find bus route info for HCES? Bus route information can be found on the Huntsville City School transportation website at ​ My student rides the bus.  Can I track when the bus will arrive at my designated stop? Yes!  Huntsville City School uses the SafeStop app so parents can track when the bus will arrive at their designated stop.

Can I walk my child in to school the first day? Absolutely! Everyone is invited to walk their child in to school on the first day.  Traffic and parking are usually heavy this day so plan accordingly. K students are allowed to be walked in the first week of school and are then asked to use the bus or car line.

How does car line work? The car line at HCES is the right hand lane entering the school property (HCMS drop off/pick up is the left hand lane).  Stay to the right as you wind around the parking lots.  Car line can get congested, so a few things to be aware of are closing the gap with car in front of you and pulling all the way forward to drop off/pick up.  All students should exit/enter the vehicle from the right hand/passenger side for student safety.  If car line is extended past the school property please be mindful of the fire station driveway.  Do not block the fire station driveway. At pick-up, please note if you enter car line early, the "front" of the line is further back, at the end of the row of parking, before the curve.  This allows Pre-K parents who are picking up students to move to the front of the line.  Afternoon car line does not begin until all Pre-K students have been picked up, so those parents move to the front of the line.  K-5 parents line up further back to give them space.  We have also auctioned off a "front of car line" pass that is good from 12/1-12/1.  This allows the owner of the pass to bypass the line of cars waiting and enter immediately after the Pre-K line.  We will periodically remind all car line drivers what vehicle this is as school starts.This is a hot ticket item, so look for it at our Fall Silent Auction!

How do I sign myself/my student in/out of school? Every visitor to the school is buzzed in through the far left set of doors, closest to the office.  All first time visitors will be entered into the computer system by office staff via their drivers license.  Subsequent visits will simply require a scan of the license to receive the appropriate pass.   Signing students in/out requires the parent to accompany them to the office and complete the form.  Office staff will request your child to meet you in the office.

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When do we find out who our teacher(s) will be? Teacher postcards are mailed roughly two weeks prior to school starting.

Where can I find school supply lists? Most local businesses will have a copy of the current school supply lists during back to school season.  Lists can also be found on the hces website, Will I be able to purchase HCES spirit wear for my students? Yes, we are always working on new designs. We announce new spirit wear via our newsletter, FB page, and website when it is available for purchase.


Can I eat lunch with my child? Yes, historically parents have been allowed to check in at the front office and eat lunch with their child.

How do I know what is for lunch?   The school district posts monthly meal menus on their Child Nutrition page, here.  We also post links to the menus in the Hawk Talk.  The district also publishes the menus weekly via the EZ SchoolLunch app (the purple and white icon).

How do I access my students lunch account? Student lunch accounts can be managed via cash/check at the school.  Your child can take it to school and their teacher will have them take it to the front office. Please send all money in an envelope or bag clearly marked with your child's name/teacher and note Lunch Account. You can also manage his/her account virtually through or the EZ SchoolPay app (the orange icon).  The app lets you see all purchases made on each students account, as well as credits applied.  You can track your students balance via the app and set the app to alert you when their balance hits a certain $ amount you designate.

I have multiple children, can I link their lunch accounts? Yes, you can.  Contact the lunchroom via the school and they can help you.  Please do not try to contact the lunch room during busy, lunch time, hours.

School-wide expectations:

I will listen and follow directions.

I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself,

I will respect myself, others, and school property.

I will come to school prepared and ready to learn.

The Hawk Pledge


As a Hampton Cove Hawk, I will lead with honor, my character counts, and I will strive for excellence to achieve success.

I will listen and follow directions.

I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself.

I will respect myself, others, and school property.

I will come to school prepared and ready to learn.

Honor Character Excellence Success

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Hampton Cove Elementary School PTA
261 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763


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